What are the Rules of Landscape Design in Warren, MI? Balance, Focus, Proportion & More

As you think about your goals for the landscaping on your property, you want it to be aesthetically pleasing. The right landscape design can completely transform your home. In fact, it has the ability to increase the curb appeal and value of your home when you do it right. Planning a landscape design isn’t always easy to do if you don’t have the skills and experience in the field. Terra Design Group is here to talk about some factors that you will want to consider to create a beautiful landscape design for your property.

What are Important Considerations when Designing a Landscape Plan?

There are a few principles in landscape design that can help you create a landscape that is aesthetically pleasing.
– Unity: When you think about all the elements that you are wanting to include in your landscape, you want them to work cohesively together. There are landscape principles that should be applied in all landscape design to create this unity. When colors, sizes, shapes and textures work together, you can create a unified and cohesive space. You want the lightings, features and beds to work together when you are designing your landscape.
– Balance: Landscape designs that are balanced are going to be most pleasing to the eye. You can go two different directions with balance. Some people choose symmetrical design where everything mirrors itself in the landscape. This is a more rigid design and has to be well manicured to work. Asymmetrical design is going to be freer flowing. It is a relaxed style that can still be incredibly attractive. There is a still a rhyme and reason to asymmetrical design, but isn’t quite as stiff.
– Focalization: Having a focal point, or a place that the eye is naturally drawn to when you first see the landscape, is a powerful element to any landscape design. You want to consider focal points, but you don’t want it to be to overwhelming to the senses.
– Simplicity: Remember that you don’t have to have a complex design to be appealing and aesthetically pleasing. As you plan your landscaping, you can be creative without cluttering your property. Try to stay away from too many textures, shapes and curves that can take away from the natural beauty of landscape design.
– Proportion: Think about the size relationship between all of the elements of your landscape design so that it is proportional. Factors like the size of the home on the property, the size of the lot, open space, plant size, and other aspects of the landscape need to be considered.

Landscape Design, Construction & More in Warren, Sterling Heights, Troy, Farmington Hills, Rochester Hills, Southfield, Novi and Pontiac, MI | Oakland & Macomb County, Michigan

If you are struggling to design your landscape, it is always a good idea to reach out to Terra Design Group to help you design your landscape so that it enhances the architecture and other design features on your property. We want to help you transform your property. Call us today!

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